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"Life is supposed to be difficult," he said taking a long swig for his ornate hip flask, "It’s the struggle against the infinite violence of a universe.” I smiled, perhaps he was right or perhaps he was just an asshole making it up as he went along, but the gravity of his remark struck me unexpectedly. The default to life was indeed struggle, for all life not just intelligent life; why would I be exempt. I didn’t care for the man and his insidious gloat of pomposity. Nothing is absolute, nothing certain, which makes the possibilities boundless. The joy of life is making it from one moment to the next through adversity and earning the things the things people say about you when you arrive at your freshly dug grave carried by those you hold dearest.

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

The Human nature

Humans have no claws or fangs, so the instinct to be defensive is strong and rooted deep in our DNA. This makes it easy to fear, hate, mistrust and discriminate anyone who looks, acts, and believes differently. Because hate, fear and mistrust can be resolved by violence.

Violence is the spark that lights a fire and fire protected us as we cowered meekly in caves, fearful of creatures with claws and fangs… monsters in the dark. Thus violence is protection. But we no longer live in caves, yet we are not free of our nature. As a result we turn our defensive instinct on each other.  

The true horror comes from within and the reasoning that all things unfortunate can be blamed on someone else and solved by steel, and flint.

An act of fire is met by a reaction of fire, this is what we know, and it’s rooted in our DNA so it’s easy to do. And the whole world burns unquenchably, civilised man turns to beast, the very thing we feared in the first place. Who will be blamed then?

What takes courage is love. To show love in the face of such adversity is the highest state of human evolution.

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