There is no real advantage to leaving Europe, sovereignty in
a connected world is only a word and that even the democracy we claim to live
by is deeply flawed.
My vision for the future is one where people don't walk
around with their hands in their pockets.
One of great realisation, that money and the lines on a map
are simply lies told to us to hold us back and give us someone else to blame
for the world’s problems, to make us feel better about the little we have.
It’s a world where we reach out to each other because we see
each other not as citizens of divided countries but as a Human nation.
And why should we not be so ambitious? After all we tamed
the oceans and the skies and even put a man on the moon. Yet we fail to conquer
the beast inside of us all, the fear someone else will take what is ours.
And in its purest form this is what we see now by voting to
leave Europe. The mistaken belief that you are special or privileged simply
because of the happy accident that is the geographical area in which you were
This is a step back from a path that could deliver true
glory for our species, a failure that our generation is now responsible for and
that history will remember us by.
My hope is for a future where people reach out to each
other, out of Love and compassion and live lives that are outwardly focused, on
that day we will call ourselves civilised.
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