Shouting is the only way we hear each other over the
distance that has come between us. The argument ends in the same way; her arms
crossed, tears in eyes and me slamming the door on my way to Saintly Stan’s Bar n’
Glass to my lips like a kiss once known, I drink. Half a
bottle in he cuts me off, the bastard; I pay the tab and amble away. The
streets are a wet night of passion; huddled figures dance, as the rain soaks
their bones, from one end to the next.
I make for the comforting shelter of an all-night liquor
store. The clerk barely acknowledges my existence but hands over a bottle of
cheap vodka.
I stumble out, booze in hand, into some bad tempered youths,
one takes exception and pulls a crooked blade on me, grinning I tell him
where to stick it. His friends hold him back; I ready the bottle like a club, nothing would be more pleasing than beating this anal stain out of my
Why did she ever have to meet such a creature as I?
Disappointingly, they clear off. I find a lonely bus bench and begin
the serious business of drinking. Halfway through a skirt too short for this
weather starts asking me questions I have no answers too. She hands me a bag of
white powder and I wave her off, but not before she takes my whole wallet as
I do the coke. It all but fucks me up in a whizzing tantrum
that batters the inside of my head. Finally it overwhelms me, I throw up,
mostly on the pavement. It all goes black.
When I come to it’s on the cold vinyl of my kitchen
floor. My vision clears, she’s lying motionless
in a pool of her own blood, brains and skull. The hangover numbs the shock and
dulls my reaction.
Still if I ever loved her I would be holding her and
screaming in agony, instead I dial 999 and fall heavily into my favourite chair
and wait. Why did she ever have to meet such a creature as I?
Jeez, Troy where's the love?