Ski season has come to a close and the office adventure
types are water-cooler-bragging about the Alps for another year. Tails of how fresh the air is on top of Mount Smug, how
the splendid views could make your eyes bleed and how exhilarating charging
along fresh powdered slopes is if you’d only be richer, smarter and better looking
enough to give it a try.
Of course the reality of the situation is quite different
here are a few very good reasons why you should never regret missing out on a
ski trip:
and impractical equipment: Just the socks can set you back more than £15
and offsetting the cost your skis by saving on your daily commute is not an
and snow don’t mix: Anyone who’s spent a night on an airport floor will
security: Somewhat especially disagreeable in winter, bound to be
suspicious of your huge backpack, questionable footwear and excessive underwear.
airline luggage limits: Superbly inadequate for the requirements of a week below
Hotels: Cranky staff, bad breakfast buffets and rooms that smell like heat
rub, Chlamydia and shame, masquerading as pine freshness.
Queues: They
start at the airport and wind their way up the mountain, even the ski lift is
just another queue, might as well be waiting in line for a bus in Bermondsey at
fraction of the cost and effort.
Ski lifts:
Fearsome contraptions used for dangling unfortunates over frozen lakes to
extract confessions of witchcraft in the middle-ages adapted for use in the
modern era. Every now and then the operators hit the stop button and take bets on who will
throw up first as you sway haplessly in the wind.
boots: The ridiculous, mind boggling, blister inducing footwear, hatefully
designed specifically to take an agonising toll on morale.
school: No treat if you hated school first time around. Plus there is a
real danger of losing your girl to the long haired, spandex wearing instructor
possibly named Sven while flailing about like Gene Kelly on ecstasy in a
pathetic attempt to remain up right.
10) Sparkling Views: Generally shrouded in
a thick mist and about three tones of falling snow.
11) The
decent: One wrong turn and you’re careering, face first, down a black run. An
error likely to end abruptly, painfully and inside a tree, leaving you to rue
the day your parents failed in the proper and sensible use of a prophylactic.
12) True
humiliation: There is no enjoyment in failing at something every six-year-old
German can do.
13) Germans like skiing.
14) A
chance of hospitalisation: Where the only people who speak the same
language as you are the ones directly responsible for putting you there in the
first place. Hopefully you have the same travel insurance as Beth Tweddle…
What? Too soon?
15) Whiskey
based cocktails: Don’t taste the same in sub-zero temperatures and Peach schnapps
is for teenaged girls and homeless people.
16) Sub-zero
17) Avalanches: Nature’s terrorist attack, you’re
always just one girlie scream away for a grizzly end.
18) Nothing sexy about a ski holiday: A
combination of huge underwear, shrinking body parts and extensive bruising
ultimately sends the wrong signals.
19) Fondue:
Overrated, eat melted cheese for
three days in a row and it becomes abundantly incandescent why the people who
invented it also came up with the concept of commercially viable assisted
suicide. Nothing good can come of Cheese, lighter fluid and third degree burns.
20) Coach travel: On some of the most
dangerous roads known to man covered in ice and snow. Why not blind fold the
driver while you’re at it.