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"Life is supposed to be difficult," he said taking a long swig for his ornate hip flask, "It’s the struggle against the infinite violence of a universe.” I smiled, perhaps he was right or perhaps he was just an asshole making it up as he went along, but the gravity of his remark struck me unexpectedly. The default to life was indeed struggle, for all life not just intelligent life; why would I be exempt. I didn’t care for the man and his insidious gloat of pomposity. Nothing is absolute, nothing certain, which makes the possibilities boundless. The joy of life is making it from one moment to the next through adversity and earning the things the things people say about you when you arrive at your freshly dug grave carried by those you hold dearest.

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

The Ten Best Break-Up Lines Ever

10) You might not have noticed this, I've de-friended you on Facebook and changed my status to single, I suggest you do the same.

9) The position of girlfriend has been outsourced to India your services will no longer be required, consider this e-mail to be your severance package.

8) I know that I will regret this decision the minute you close the front door, so can you leave through the kitchen so my neighbours don’t have to see you crying.

7) I'm sorry dear but I found a cleaning lady and a prostitute to do what you do at half the cost.

6) I got good news and bad news, bad news is it’s over, good news is I never have to see you again.

5) I'm renting out your side of the bed.

4) Buy a cat B***h.

3) I feel you need to see other people too.

2) It’s not you, it’s me, I find you repulsive.

1) You have to make a choice; it’s either me or chocolate.